Oh, spotless paper, fair and white!

First Line Oh, spotless paper, fair and white!
Author Laetitia Lewen Pilkington
Date 1732

Occasional (on writing verses) [Literature; Family]. 

Transcribed from "A young Lady of 12 Years of age, having promised her Brother, who was making his Exercise to write him some Verses, if he would tell her what to write upon. What, replied he smartly, but upon Paper? Her Answer and Performance were in the following Lines." The Gentleman's Magazine: and historical chronicle, vol. 2, Nov. 1732, p. 1077. ProQuest, [ProQuest document ID:] 8306368.



Oh, spotless paper, fair and white!

On thee by force constrain'd to write;

Is it not hard I should destroy

Thy purity, to please a boy!

Ungrateful I, thus to abuse

The fairest servant of the muse;

Dear friend, to whom I oft impart

The choicest secrets of my heart:

Ah, what atonement can be made

For spotless innocence betray'd?

How fair, how lovely didst thou show,

Like lilly'd banks, or falling snow!

But now alas! become my prey,

Not floods can wash thy stains away:

Yet this small comfort can I give,

That, when destroy'd, shall make thee live.