Individuals playing a role in at least one manuscript miscellany or poem
Displaying 145–168 people out of 496 total
John Duncombe
- 1729
- 1786
Church of England clergyman and writer; Duncombe’s parody of Gray’s Elegy in a Country Churchyard, An Evening Contemplation in a College was popular with miscellany compilers.
Mary Dyott
Late-eighteenth century owner of a lighthearted manuscript verse miscellany compiled by Mrs. Ogle.
Charles Earle
Compiler of a manuscript verse miscellany of his original epitaphs, prayers, and letters.
Thomas Edwards
- 1757
Coteries | Yorke-Grey coterie |
Poet and literary editor; friend of Thomas Birch, Isaac Hawkins Browne, Daniel Wray, and Samuel Richardson.
Julia Evelyn
Co-compiler of a manuscript verse miscellany with Frances Glanville Boscawen.
Susan Edmonstone Ferrier
- 1782
- 1854
Coteries | Lady Charlotte Campbell Bury's circle |
Novelist; famous for works with depictions of Scottish life and sharp views on women’s education; close friend of Lady Charlotte Campbell’s (later Bury’s) family.
Anne Kingsmill Finch
- 1661
- 1720
Poet; famous for aesthetic sensibility and poems expressing a desire for respect as a female poet; poems such as “The Progress of Life,” and “To a Friend, in Praise of the Invention of Writing Letters” were popular with manuscript compilers.
Heneage Finch
- 1657
- 1726
English peer; husband of poet Anne Kingsmill Finch, on whose behalf he copied a manuscript verse miscellany of her poetry.
Benjamin Finn
Compiler of a manuscript verse miscellany of occasional, satirical, and lighthearted poetry.
Joshua Francis Fisher
- 1707
- 1783
Compiler of a manuscript verse miscellany of (three) poems satirizing the organizers of the American Revolution.
Thomas Fitzgerald
Author of three religious poems included in the anonymous manuscript Leeds Brotherton Lt45.
[G.W.] Fitzwilliam
Major author in the anonymous manuscript Folger MS M.b.23; maybe a part of a local network represented in the same.
James Forbes
- 1749
- 1819
Author and traveller; prolific manuscript writer and artist; compiler of Beinecke Osborn fc132.
Joseph Foster
Later eighteenth-century owner of Benjamin Coles' manuscript, Leeds Brotherton Lt 53. Based in Derbyshire.
Pal Foster
First name tentative. Later eighteenth-century owner of Benjamin Coles' manuscript, Leeds Brotherton Lt 53. Based in Derbyshire.
Charles James Fox
- 1749
- 1806
Coteries | Cavendish-Ponsonby-Crewe network |
Politician; author of satirical poems like “On Gibbon,” “Invocation to Poverty,” and “To the Duchess of Devonshire" as well as "Verses Upon Mrs. Crewe,” which was popular with miscellany compilers.
Henry Fox
- 1705
- 1774
Politician; addressee of An Ode to the Honourable H—y F—x, on the Marriage of the Du—s of M—r to Hu—s—y, Esq, popular with miscellany compilers.
David Garrick
- 1717
- 1779
Actor and playwright; popular with miscellany compilers both as a subject of poetry and as a writer.