Here lies poor Johnson: reader have a care,

First Line Here lies poor Johnson: reader have a care,
Author Soame Jenyns
Date 1790


Transcribed from 'On Dr. Johnson. Said to be written by Soame Jenyns Esqre." Brotherton Lt. 99, p. 114. Brotherton Library, University of Leeds.


Here lies poor Johnson: reader have a care

Tread lightly, lest you rouse a sleeping bear;

Religious, moral, gen'rous & humane

He was; but self-sufficient, rude & vain:

Ill-bred, & overbearing in dispute;

A scholar, & a Christian - yet a brute -

Wou'd you know all his wisdom & his folly,

His actions, saying, mirth & melancholy,

Boswell & Thrale, retailers of his wit,

Will tell you how he wrote, & talked, & cough'd, & spit.