O Happiness, celestial fair

First Line O Happiness, celestial fair
Author Hannah More

Lyric [Passions, Sentiments]

Transcribed from Commonplace Books, Vol. 1. Early Modern English Manuscripts, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Calisphere. Item ID 21198/n1461d


O Happiness, celestial fair

Our earliest hope, our latest care,

   O hear our fond request;

Vouchsafe, coy fugitive, to tell

On what sweet spot thou lov'st to dwell,

   And make us truly blest.

Amidst the walks of public life,

The cares of wealth, ambitious strife,

   We long have sought in vain;

The crouded city's noisy din,

And all the busy haunts of men,

   Afford but care and pain.

Pleas'd with the soft, the soothing pow'r

Of calm reflection's silent hour,

   Sequester'd dost thou dwell;

Where care and tumult ne'er intrude,

Dost thoug reside with Solitude,

   Thy humble volaries tell?

O Happiness, celestial fair,

Our earliest hope, our latest care,

   Let us not sue in vain;

O deign to hear our fond request.

Come take possession of out breast,

   And there for ever reign.