Clark MS 2008.023

Title I: "Poems extracted from Several Authors. With a few originals. 1774." II: "Poems. JG. 1775." III: "Poems Collected by JG Liverpool." IV: untitled
Archive Clark Library
Call Number Clark MS 2008.023
Complete Yes

Jane Griffies Roscoe, 1774–1790.

200 poems.

Interest in female poets and women-centered poetry.

Format Quarto
Book Size I 20.5cm x 16.2cm; II 20.5cm x 14.2cm; III 20.6cm x 14.4cm; IV 20.6cm x 14.5cm
Filled Page Count I 177 pages; II 166 pages; III 170 pages; IV 180 pages
Item Count 200
Poem Count 200
First Line Index No
Digitized Yes
Additional Genres
Print Sources
Major Themes

Major themes prominent among the manuscript contents in alphabetical order.

Minor Themes

Other themes of interest among the manuscript contents in alphabetical order.


Clark MS 2008.023.” Manuscript Verse Miscellanies, 1700–1820, edited by Betty A. Schellenberg, Simon Fraser University, Accessed .

Created 2019-09-04 1:13:44 PM
Updated 2023-07-20 4:00:06 PM
First Line Context Print Source
A Hermit on the Banks of Trent,

vol. 2 p. 64-79

Local title: Armine And Elvira, A Legendary Poem.

Attributed author: n/a

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: n/a

Other: n/a

As those we love decay, we die in part

vol. 3 p. 12

Local title: On The Death Of A Friend. By the same.

Attributed author: Jas. Thompson

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: n/a

Other: n/a

At length escap’d from ev’ry Human Eye

vol. 1 p. 111-122

Local title: Monody. To the memory of a Lad.

Attributed author: Lord Littleton

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: n/a

Other: n/a

Come melancholy! Silent pow’r

vol. 2 p. 5-8

Local title: Ode to Melancholy, By Miss Carter.

Attributed author: Ms. Carter

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: n/a

Other: n/a

Father of All! in every Age

vol. 1 p. 170-172

Local title: The Universal Prayer

Attributed author: n/a

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: n/a

Other: n/a

Hail artless Simplicity, beautiful maid,

vol. 1 p. 60-61

Local title: To Simplicity

Attributed author: n/a

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: n/a

Other: n/a

O Happiness, celestial fair

vol. 1 p. 58-59

Local title: To Happiness

Attributed author: n/a

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: n/a

Other: n/a

O Thou whose friendship is my joy and pride,

vol. 1 p. 169

Local title: From Littleton's Epistle to Mr. Poyntz

Attributed author: George Lyttleton

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: Excerpt begins at line 49

Other: n/a

Pity the sorrows of a poor old man!

vol. 1 p. 109-110

Local title: The Beggar

Attributed author: n/a

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: n/a

Other: n/a

Sweet Solitude, thou placid queen,

vol. 1 p. 59-60

Local title: To Solitude.

Attributed author: n/a

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: n/a

Other: n/a

The Counsels of a Friend, Belinda, hear

vol. 1 p. 26

Local title: n/a

Attributed author: n/a

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: An excerpt, four lines. begins with line 45, 'Virtue is amiable'

Other: n/a

The Counsels of a Friend, Belinda, hear

vol. 1 p. 168

Local title: From Lord Littleton's Advice to a Lady

Attributed author: Lord Littleton

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: An excerpt, four lines. Begins with line 51, 'Seek to be good"

Other: n/a

The solitary bird of night

vol. 3, p. 156-160

Local title: n/a

Attributed author: n/a

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: n/a

Other: n/a

Thro' the blest round of youths delightful hours

vol. 1 p. 1.

Local title: n/a

Attributed author: n/a

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: n/a

Other: n/a

Turn, gentle hermit of the dale,

vol. 1 p. 43-49

Local title: Edwin and Angelina, A Ballad

Attributed author: n/a

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: n/a

Other: n/a

While Night in solemn Shade invests the Pole

vol. 3 p. 78-80

Local title: Untitled

Attributed author: n/a

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: n/a

Other: n/a

Why should our joys transform to pain;

vol. 2 p. 126-128

Local title: The Indian Philosopher.

Attributed author: n/a

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: n/a

Other: n/a

Ye distant Spires, ye antique Towers

vol. 1 p. 50-54

Local title: Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College. By Mr. Gray.

Attributed author: Mr. Gray

Adaptation: n/a

Other variants: n/a

Other: n/a

Feature Note
Author attributions

Vol. 1: Frequent; also occasional indications of print sources for anonymous or pseudonymous works.

Vol. 2: Occasional.

Vol. 3: Frequent at the beginning, then it drops off.


All four volumes: Bound in speckled calf; front and back boards partially or completely detached from spine.


Vol. 1: Single except for first poem

Vol. 2: Single

Vol. 3: Single except for first poem

Vol. 4: Single except for penultimate poem

Mostly in the hand of Jane Griffies Roscoe, otherwise likely William Roscoe

Indications of use

Vol. 2: Pencilled annotations on a few items, providing author names, titles, occasions.

Vol. 3: Subsequently pencilled-in title of the first poem, other annotations; this volume may be incomplete in the sense that spaces for titles (and sometimes authors) have been left at the tops of pages (though some of these have author name at the end).

Vol. 4: Like like volume 3, titles written in later in a lighter ink; titles generally seem to have been entered quickly in blank spaces originally intended for more elaborate titles; there is generally a rougher sense to this volume, with cross-outs, etc.

Item formatting

Decorative titles for first two volumes; in volumes 3 and 4, some spaces for titles (and authors) left for completion later; sometimes these are pencilled in.


Originally five volumes. Now only four, and it's unclear when the fifth one may have been lost. 

Vol. 1 has section subtitles.

Original poetry

Vol. 1: Yes. Since attributions are the general rule, where they are absent, that work is possibly original.

Vol. 2: Yes, at least one poem attributed to “Mr. R –" probably referring to William Roscoe.

Vol. 3: Yes, probably the opening poem to Julia.

Vol. 4: Yes, probably pp. 29–30.

Ownership mark

Bookplates of Frederick Warburton Dunston and David H. Weinglass on front endpapers.

Inscription by Frederick Warburton Dunston on preliminary pages of volumes notes that he purchased them at Sotheby's in 1887; He suggests Joseph Mayer of Liverpool and his great-uncle Richard Roscoe as possible former owners.

Page layout

Vol. 1: Paginated (by the compiler).

Vol. 2: Paginated (by the compiler, but only up to p. 7).

Vol. 3: Paginated (by the compiler, up to p. 160).

Vol. 4: Unpaginated (only pp. 1–2 paginated by the compiler).

Title page

Volumes 1–3 (not volume 4).