Number of principal compiler hands, with additional information about possible later hands or occasional entries by other hands.
Manuscript | Note |
Beinecke Osborn c110 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c111 | Single, except for the three final pages and possibly the Table of Contents. |
Beinecke Osborn c116 | Possibly several hands, but one primary, another at the beginning - possibly sequential. |
Beinecke Osborn c130 | Single, plus one poem in another, perhaps the compiler's son. |
Beinecke Osborn c135 | Single (very large) hand, except for maybe the pasted-in item on p. 43. |
Beinecke Osborn c138 | Single neat hand. |
Beinecke Osborn c139–142 | Single, which becomes looser towards the end of c142. |
Beinecke Osborn c143 | Single with domestic accounts in a different hand. |
Beinecke Osborn c147 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c149 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c150 | Single primary hand, but quite variable (in some cases, the hand if simply irregular, but in other cases it's obviously a different hand, even sometimes in the middle of the same item–but one main hand overall, from start to end). |
Beinecke Osborn c152 | At least three; sequential compilation by Mrs. Ogle (pp. 1-45); recipient of Mrs. Ogle's gift (pp. 48-72); later hand (pp. 74-76). |
Beinecke Osborn c153 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c154 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c156 | Two. First hand (anonymous) compiled up to p. 52; second hand (Mary Hilhouse) pp. 53–235. |
Beinecke Osborn c157 | Two; one (careful, decorative) for the first section, followed by a distinctive change on p. 125 to the second hand, which is much more informal. |
Beinecke Osborn c162 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c163 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c165 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c167 | Seemingly multiple hands, but difficult to say; could just be a matter of size and style of script, with poetry getting a larger, more formal hand than the prose meditations. |
Beinecke Osborn c169 | Single. Poem written into the back cover seemingly in another hand or an older version of the same hand. |
Beinecke Osborn c170 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c172 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c175 | Single; extremely neat and precise. |
Beinecke Osborn c176 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c179 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c180 | Single, careful and neat. |
Beinecke Osborn c186 | Single, fairly decorative. |
Beinecke Osborn c187 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c189 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c193 | Single, except for presentation poem glued (not bound) into the book. |
Beinecke Osborn c241 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c258 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c265 | Could be single but most likely double. Catalogue note implies a second, later hand; they are very close, although page references to the Miscellanies and the left margin note on the first page do seem to be added later (maybe not much later – still looks like an early-century hand) – this hand is about ½ the size of the first, and contributes many tiny items as fillers especially in the final section of the book. |
Beinecke Osborn c341 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c343 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c351 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c360 (1/3) | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c360 (2/3) | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c360 (3/3) | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c376 | Multiple. First hand in first section (17 leaves, 34 pages) is quite loose and informal. Second is smaller and neater. Both hands seem to indicate Charles Earle as author of items compiler. |
Beinecke Osborn c382 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c391 | Single in this first section. The manuscript as a whole (including the prose letter inserts) consists of many hands. |
Beinecke Osborn c481 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c536 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c548 | Single hand, miniscule writing. |
Beinecke Osborn c563 | Single (Simpson's) pp. 1–100, 105–105v. pp. 102–104 in J. Eyre's hand; p. 104v in Sarah Leaper's hand. |
Beinecke Osborn c570 | Single, with the exception of one poem in vol. 2. |
Beinecke Osborn c591 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c595 | Single [this entry concerns only the items in Rawling's hand ie. the first part of the book]. |
Beinecke Osborn c651 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c662 | At least two hands. |
Beinecke Osborn c688 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c82 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c83 | Volume I: Single. Numbering ink darkens midway through volume. Volumes II & III: Single, possibly a different hand from Vol. I. Volume IV: Usual hand ends after item 1125. Unnumbered pages show variable hands, none matching the previous hand of the compiler. |
Beinecke Osborn c90 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn c91 | Single up to p. 331 where there is a note: "Those which follow have been added at various times." |
Beinecke Osborn d226 | Two, but one primary hand which copies all but two of the poems. |
Beinecke Osborn d232 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn d233 | Single, excluding the final poem. |
Beinecke Osborn d256 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn d258 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn d267 | Single dominant hand, with a few other hands appearing near the end. |
Beinecke Osborn d447 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn d49 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn d492 | Single copperplate hand, with some additions in two other hands (one which is identified as J.H. Waite, possibly the compiler's son) at the end of the volume. |
Beinecke Osborn d494 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn d512 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn d69 | Single. Another hand may have numbered the stanzas of some of the later poems with Roman numerals. |
Beinecke Osborn d80 | Single. Several other hands interspersed in blank pages, indicating other owners. |
Beinecke Osborn d93 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn fc124 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn fc130 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn fc132 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn fc183 | Single, calligraphic. |
Beinecke Osborn fc185 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn fc205 | Single. |
Beinecke Osborn fc58 | Three total, two primary. Hand 1 covers pages 1 to 99, then Hand 2 takes over from page 99 to 169. There are two small additions by a third hand on pp. 169–170. |
Beinecke Osborn fd32 | Single. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. c. 9 | Single, though recto pages tend to use a larger size of script than verso pages. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. d. 189 | Single. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. d. 47 | Single. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 109 | Single, same as inside cover signature ("E.F. Amherst 1798"). |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 111 | Single. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 17 | Single. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 18 | Single. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 28 | Single hand, though in one instance it appears much smaller. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 39 | Single. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 40 | Single. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 47 | Single. |
Bodleian MS Harding b. 41 | Single decorative hand. One item written in another hand, an endorsement of Polly's taste in creating her book. |
Bodleian MS Mont. e. 13 | Two: single hand pp. 1–175, then second hand takes over; final index in a third hand. |
Bodleian MS Mont. e. 14 | Single, except the final item (85), dated 1817, is in a different hand. |
British Library Add. MS 28102 | Single. On the final poetry pages (dated 1780) the hand has become very shaky. |
British Library Add. MS 29981 | Single, with the exception of the poem that precedes the title page and Table of Contents (seemingly a later addition in a different hand, but addressing the same time period). |
British Library Add. MS 37684 | Single, though it varies greatly. |
British Library Add. MS 58802 | Single, though later items loosely written in larger (possibly quicker) hand. |
British Library Add. MS 59656 | Single. Possibly Mary Tickell, since final epitaph is signed M. T. |
British Library Add. MS 70494 | Single decorative hand, possibly that of a copyist. |
British Library Add. MS 75569 | One or two. Cataloguer suggests more than one hand, however the hand at the end might just be significantly more informal. If there are two hands, Frances' hand is the second hand that takes over towards the end. |
Chawton House 2622, MAN LOF | Single. |
Chawton House 4946, MAN WIL | Single, with Sarah Wilmot's signature appearing in the first and second notebook, and footnotes in a later hand, possibly that of James Seton. |
Clark MS 1948.003 | Single; neat but small. |
Clark MS 1950.025 | Several neat hands: The first hand is continuous from pp. 3-32; then there's a new hand; index shows the same shift at p. 33, with the second hand continuing for the rest of the index, through to the top of p. 93. pp. 1–93, spaces were often left from the ends of poems to the bottoms of pages; these spaces are filled in a third hand. After p. 93, a fourth hand and mixture of new hands come into the mix, but Strafford is still in the picture. |
Clark MS 1956.002 | Single; elaborate and neat. |
Clark MS 1968.002 | Single in Ann Bromfield section (first 51 pages). 19th century coin collection table insertion and chart of important birthdays in different hands. |
Clark MS 1976.014 | Two consecutive hands. Switch of hands in the Table of Contents and the writing of titles seems to occur at the second item on p. 66, but in the hand copying the actual poems, the switch occurs on p. 70 [this suggests that (decorative) titles would be written in later in some miscellaneous verse manuscripts]. |
Clark MS 1982.001 | Single. The volume contains many entries made at least partially in short-hand. |
Clark MS 1982.002 | Single, fair and neat. |
Clark MS 1983.001 | Single. |
Clark MS 1983.002 | Single. [This entry is only concerned with the first hand, but, the manuscript as a whole is a series of four hands, seemingly quite close chronologically.] |
Clark MS 1984.001 | Single. |
Clark MS 1984.004 | Single, though quite variable in appearance. |
Clark MS 1986.003 | Single, with contributions in other hands. There is a primary hand throughout the book – these items generally have “Finis” written at the end of them; it is a young, somewhat variable hand, but still distinguishable; there are also multiple contributors of individual or several items. |
Clark MS 1987.001 | Single, except for small slip of paper "A Riddle," in more informal hand. |
Clark MS 1993.001 | Primarily single, in the style of early eighteenth-century. pp. 163-70 at the end of the first poetry section contains poems by at least two other hands – perhaps a reason for the beginning anew at the other end, even though principal hand remains the same. |
Clark MS 1994.001 | Single, except for annotations to pressed flowers. |
Clark MS 2000.005 | Single. |
Clark MS 2008.023 | Vol. 1: Single except for first poem Vol. 2: Single Vol. 3: Single except for first poem Vol. 4: Single except for penultimate poem Mostly in the hand of Jane Griffies Roscoe, otherwise likely William Roscoe |
Clark MS 2010.030 | Single throughout; larger and looser with the Dunciad and title page. |
Clark MS 2015.014 | Single, consistent and neat nineteenth-century hand (with the exception of one comic epitaph at the end of the written text, which appears to be in the same hand as the later inscription on the front free endpaper). |
Clark MS 2019.001 | Single. The final item (not in the index) is in a different hand. |
Clark MS 2019.032 | Single; possibly two hands given variations in size, but given the strong sense of one guiding creator, likely just variations of the same hand. |
Clark MS 2019.038 | Single, neat sloping hand. |
Folger MS M.a.103 | Single; a very regular, tiny, fine hand. |
Folger MS M.a.104 | Single, despite misleading title. |
Folger MS M.a.110 | Single, but appearance varies a bit (though formation of letters remains the same) |
Folger MS M.a.116 | Single, except the three medicinal entries near the end of the book. |
Folger MS M.a.142 | Single loose hand. |
Folger MS M.a.15 | Single decorative hand. |
Folger MS M.a.160 | Single, with a couple exceptions. |
Folger MS M.a.162 | Single. |
Folger MS M.a.163 | Single very fine, decorative hand, especially on front and final pages. |
Folger MS M.a.164 | Single. |
Folger MS M.a.165-166 | Single, though possibly a change on mid-page 233 of vol. 1, then vol. 2 same hand again. |
Folger MS M.a.169 | Single. |
Folger MS M.a.170 | Single; one or two other contributions. |
Folger MS M.a.174 | Single (neat and consistent), except for the final item on the death of VanDyke. This item appears in the index though so it appears to have been contemporary.
Folger MS M.a.179 | Single, though some very occasional entries that could be in another hand. |
Folger MS M.a.180 | Single primary (Gilchrist), another organizational hand (responsible for the prose extracts and the writing exercises), as well as additional hands. |
Folger MS M.a.181 | Single (fine and uniform); another occasional similarly tiny hand that is more upright. |
Folger MS M.a.182 | Single. |
Folger MS M.a.183 | Single; the first 116 leaves are in Kilderbee's hand, and the few remaining entries are in several other hands (this database entry concerns the Kilderbee section only). |
Folger MS M.a.185 | Single up to p. 200; then several hands, including the primary hand. |
Folger MS M.a.186 | Single primary hand, then a secondary hand, then the primary hand returns in later sections. |
Folger MS M.a.187 | Single. |
Folger MS M.a.231 | Single. |
Folger MS M.a.53–58 | Single. |
Folger MS M.b.13 | Single, quite scrawling and messy. Another hand wrote out an extempore poem about the previous evening's conversation and a long poem on inoculation (possibly entries added later to the bottom of not completely filled pages). |
Folger MS M.b.21 | Single hand throughout; large and loose. Some items pasted in are in different hands. |
Folger MS M.b.23 | Single hand; seeming shift to various hands for final 21 leaves. |
Folger MS N.b.3 | Single (Heneage Finch's hand), with several corrections in Anne Finch's hand. |
Folger MS W.a.103 | Probably single. |
Folger MS W.a.118 | Single |
Folger MS W.a.119 | Single. |
Folger MS W.a.271 | Single. |
Folger MS W.a.86 | Varying hands, though seems to have one primary. The primary hand copied the beginning section and perhaps the final item; same hand as that of the "Anne Milles" signature. Hands at end variable, shift orientation to writing across page lengthwise. |
Houghton MS Am 1013 | Single. |
Houghton MS Am 1369 | Single. |
Houghton MS Am 1894 | Single. |
Houghton MS Am 1894.1(1) | Single. |
Houghton MS Am 1919 | Single. |
Houghton MS Am 910 | Single, though one paragraph at the top of p. 4 is in another hand. |
Houghton MS Eng 1280 | Single. |
Houghton MS Eng 569.63 | Single, with very occasional insertions by another hand, likely added later to fill blanks. |
Houghton MS Eng 584 | Two or three intermingled hands, but all the title pages are seemingly in the hand I'm assuming is B. Cumberlege because it's also responsible for most of his original poems. This hand (also responsible for the Table of Contents) is clearly the organising force/ primary compiler. |
Houghton MS Eng 606 | Two primary hands, with a Table of Contents in another hand, and a possible other hand in the ambigragh section. The two primary hands are alternating, not consecutive—Rolfe's hand attributes the author of one of the second hand's poems, and annotates another. |
Houghton MS Eng 611 | Single. One poem in another hand annotated by Austen in vol 2 pp. 79–83; a single annotation in another hand (in ink) p. 142. Red-pencil annotator/ editor is likely the compiler. |
Houghton MS Eng 614 | Single. |
Houghton MS Eng 680 | Single. |
Houghton MS Eng 687 | Single. |
Houghton MS Eng 692 | Single. |
Houghton MS Eng 768 | Single. See similarities to Elizabeth Munbee's hand in Clark MS 1982.002. Possibly transcribed by Elizabeth for her little sister. |
Houghton MS Eng 926 | Single. |
Houghton MS Hyde 35 (4) | Single. |
Houghton MS Hyde 35 (5) | Single. |
Huntington MS 106 | Single. |
Huntington MS 29165 | Single, throughrout the majority of book the book. A second hand takes over in the middle of a very, very long poem (51 pages, pp. 166-216) in rhyming couplets – The Vale of Teviot, by Mr. Leyden – this is the second last item, followed by The Indian Man’s Creed in the same (second) hand. |
Huntington MS 82623 | Single. Pencil notes on flyleaf appear to be in a different hand. |
Huntington Stowe Vol. III | Primarily single, though a few others at intervals. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 100 | Single, varying over time and with varying degrees of formality, with a different hand at ff. 33v and 37. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 103 | Two hands; Adam Matthews database entry implies one main hand, whereas BCMSV database implies a mix of hands; to me the second hand (if it is a new hand), beginning f. 71 with the Carter poem, seems to match that of the signature on the first leaf of the book. The second hand is a somewhat variable hand. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 104 | Single. ff. 81–103 the hand is much more formal, but the letter shapes are consistent with the rest of the manuscript, so seemingly the same hand. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 106 | Single, with some additions to fill in blank sections. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 11 | Two consecutive; six hands total, but this database entry concerns only the first two. First hand is very calligraphic. The second hand adopts the formatting of the first. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 110 | Single. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 119 | Single. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 12 | Two primary hands; first hand pp. 1–77, second hand pp. 82–142. This book was cleanly and clearly passed from one compiler to another. A third hand begins a poem that is continued by the first hand pp. 31–33. Unlike the cataloguer, we do not agree that there are other hands after p. 82. The “T”s and “F”s from p. 82 onwards are distinctive and consistent, though the hand is looser on some pages than others. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 123 | Single, as far as this database entry is concerned. As a whole though, at least three, the first being the primary. Primary hand pp. 1–150. Second hand pp. 151–185. pp. 218–220 seemingly the first hand, pp. 221–229 is the second hand, and pp. 230–[274] is either a messier version of the second hand and a third hand, or a third and fourth hand. The hands that aren’t the primary hand are all similarly messy, and not consecutive or alternating in any clear, distinguishable way. p. 251 is seemingly a single entry in another hand, which makes it at least the third hand to appear in the manuscript, regardless of how many other hands contribute to that final section. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 125 | Single, except for pp. 95–105, and p. 242, which are in a second hand (possibly that of Eliza Lee, the later owner). |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 15 | Single. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 20 | Single, neat. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 24 | Two hands, Coles’ hand is the primary, though they are compiling simultaneously given the dates, and the contributions they make to each other’s items. The second hand copied a lot more prose items compared to Coles’ hand, though they both copied some verse and some prose. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 35 | Single. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 36 | Single, with two poems added later in another hand ff. 53–59. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 45 | Single; at the end of the manuscript the writing is looser, but it seems to be the same hand (writer is possibly elderly). |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 53 | Single. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 61 | Single, with one poem in another hand pp. 7–21. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 93 | Three; the cataloguer only notes two hands but three hands are obvious. Hand 1 from ff.1–57v; Hand 2 (also 18th-century) ff. 58–64v and 110r–111v; Hand 3 ff. 65r–77v (blanks ff. 67r-68r), 107–109v. – presumably filling in blank pages at a later date with miscellaneous items. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 99 | Two consecutive hands. The second hand's section is much longer and more coherent. |
Leeds Brotherton Ltq 51 | Single. |
Princeton Taylor no. 87 | Single. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 515 | Single. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 522 | Single, except for occasional items by two different hands. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 523 | Single |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 549 | Single, excluding the manuscript inserts and last four pages of volume 2. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 551 | Single. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 553 | Single. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 556 | Single |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 557 | Single. Very decorative writing style with many looped letters. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 558 | Single. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 581 | Single. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 636 | Single, with the exception of one page (19). |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 639 | Single. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 69 | Single, some items by other hands likely inserted later. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 739 | Single. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 757 | One primary hand (Elizabeth Church's) with additions in up to eight other hands. Only two of the eight other hands make significant contributions. |