British Library Add. MS 28102

Title Untitled
Archive British Library
Call Number British Library Add. MS 28102
Complete Yes

Ashley Cowper, ca. 1757–1780.

Indications of retrospective copying into this collection, and perhaps even later annotation.

19 poems.

All occasional original poetry, often involving women or public affairs.

Format Folio
Book Size 38 cm x 24.9 cm
Filled Page Count 18
Item Count 19
Poem Count 19
First Line Index Yes
Digitized No
Additional Genres Prose
Print Sources
Major Themes

Major themes prominent among the manuscript contents in alphabetical order.

Minor Themes

Other themes of interest among the manuscript contents in alphabetical order.


British Library Add. MS 28102.” Manuscript Verse Miscellanies, 1700–1820, edited by Betty A. Schellenberg, Simon Fraser University, Accessed .

Created 2019-09-04 1:13:44 PM
Updated 2023-07-20 3:37:15 PM
Feature Note
Author attributions

Never, although the heading on p. 196 implies all the poetry was by Ashley Cowper.


Pre-bound paperbook. Blank pages between headings in the commonplace section; handwriting goes near the gutter and outer edge of page on right hand sides, but never beyond; uniform watermarks throughout the book—could be a paperbook that was completed with the retrospective prose and poetry pages later in life.

Modern covers.



On the final poetry pages (dated 1780) the hand has become very shaky.

Indications of use

Annotations indicate retrospective copying into this collection, and perhaps even later annotation (e.g. f. 202, Abu-Zelim to Selima–a Letter In Imitation of the Turkish Spy is annotated: "This, & the Four following Letters were first written above 40. Years ago & Transcribd, Anno 1767").

Item formatting

A flourish in the right-hand margin marking the end of each item (in prose/ poetry section).

Original poetry

Yes, heading implies all poetry/ prose section of the book by Ashley Cowper.

Page layout

Paginated (in folios, including blanks).

Table of Contents

Not for the poetry section (which this database entry is concerned with).

Title page

Not for the book overall, but the section beginning f. 196 is titled: "Occasional Pieces, publish’d at different Times in the Newspapers etc."