Original poetry
Poetry written by the compiler or by members of their literary circle; not found in print prior to the date of compilation.
Manuscript | Note |
Beinecke Osborn c110 | Yes, possibly all the English poems. |
Beinecke Osborn c111 | Possibly, most items are unattributed and a number of them not in First Line Index. |
Beinecke Osborn c116 | Yes: poems that appear to be by Anna Sharpe’s father, one by Anna Sharpe herself (On Sleep), one to Anna Sharpe, maybe more. |
Beinecke Osborn c130 | Yes. Definitely "On the Death of a Most Indulgent Mother by her Son"; other poems have been written by Heigham's acquaintances, including several sonnets by Charlotte Smith and an elegy by Mr Hammond; a few other unattributed poems might also be original. The epilogues altered or spoken locally are presumably local productions ("performed by Henry Heigham"). |
Beinecke Osborn c135 | Yes, seemingly all original/local poems. |
Beinecke Osborn c143 | Yes, seemingly all original. |
Beinecke Osborn c147 | Yes, all written by Soame Jenyns for Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford, and his daughter Margaret Harley Bentinck, and her circle of friends. Afterwards published in Dodsley’s Collection 1748, Jenyns poems 1752, Dodsley’s Museum, etc. |
Beinecke Osborn c149 | Maybe the short Latin items at the end. The more substantial poetry and prose can all be assigned to an author. |
Beinecke Osborn c150 | Yes, likely. |
Beinecke Osborn c153 | Yes, possibly mostly. First Line Index has attributions for only 2/23 items. |
Beinecke Osborn c156 | Probably; many items in the First Line Index for this book are unattributed, but some of these can be traced. Items like memorials to Eliza, however, might be original. |
Beinecke Osborn c157 | Possibly; the added gossiping song at the end of the book could be original, but the compiler seems to be primarily a copier of print and manuscript poetry. |
Beinecke Osborn c162 | Yes, all seem local and original — perhaps written between members of a local social network. |
Beinecke Osborn c167 | Yes, but needs further checking; at least one item (pp. 13-15) which appears to be original (by a Lady) is elsewhere attributed Nahum Tate and Nicholas Bray. |
Beinecke Osborn c169 | Yes, seemingly all original. |
Beinecke Osborn c170 | Yes, probably entirely. |
Beinecke Osborn c172 | Possibly the series of animal poems, the Ode on St. Cecilia’s Day. |
Beinecke Osborn c175 | Possibly. |
Beinecke Osborn c179 | Yes; author seems to claim final poem. A number of other unattributed poems are potentially original as well. |
Beinecke Osborn c187 | Yes — no authors assigned in the First Line Index, voice is very personal, so all poems seem to be the work of the compiler. |
Beinecke Osborn c189 | Maybe; unattributed items from the manuscript were mostly attributed in the First Line Index, but not all; there could be a few originals. |
Beinecke Osborn c193 | Majority of the poems by Barrett. |
Beinecke Osborn c241 | Seems possible, given sense of local poems centred around Oxford, bawdy short poems, etc. – but this is also the type of material that would circulate anonymously. |
Beinecke Osborn c341 | Yes, mostly local interest. |
Beinecke Osborn c343 | Seems most of book is original, with various pen names attached to suggest multiple authors. |
Beinecke Osborn c360 (1/3) | Yes, many, probably around half the items or more. Lots of sociable verses, rebuses, riddles arising out of his social circle, especially interactions with women. Also many versical responses to the authors of other poems disapproving of their treatment of their subjects eg. pp. 29, 132, 153 |
Beinecke Osborn c376 | Yes, entirely. According to the First Line Index, all poems are by Charles Earle, except one by "Mrs. K—lly." |
Beinecke Osborn c391 | Yes; poems by Martha Roberts (who is seemingly a cousin), by their uncle, J.B. Dickinson, and others. |
Beinecke Osborn c481 | Yes, many poems original to the compiler. See page 72 for a long note on his paraphrasing the book of Job. A lot of the other poems inspire FLI results, but only from the ESTC, which is an interesting testament to the uniqueness of this manuscript's selections. |
Beinecke Osborn c536 | Maybe "A Song" on pages 18–19, but otherwise no original poetry. Orbis suggests that the "Ode" "written by a young Lady of a very uncommon and promising Genius" might be a self-referential attribution by the compiler, but the poem is by Laetitia Pilkington. |
Beinecke Osborn c563 | Yes, most if not all. Many revolving around group of school friends or Sarah Leaper, as well as many imitations. |
Beinecke Osborn c591 | Yes, related to studies. |
Beinecke Osborn c651 | A few original works. Most works in FLI. |
Beinecke Osborn c82 | Yes, according to the catalogue; however, nothing in the presentation distinguishes these poems from the copied poems. |
Beinecke Osborn c83 | Orbis catalogue suggests the items initialed and signed by the Porters are likely original. The First Line Index records items 62, 531, 578, 733, 1033, 2026, and 2027 as by Porters. Given the amount of poems included in the book, even if these items are original, the focus of this book was copying published poetry. |
Beinecke Osborn c90 | Yes, high proportion. Poems related to/by Diana Burroughs, EMB, Mr. and Miss Crowfoot. |
Beinecke Osborn c91 | Yes, likely most, judging from the title "Original poems" and First Line Index results. |
Beinecke Osborn d226 | Yes; about half of the poems are original to the collection: two light hearted poems by Edward Venn about women; at least five poems by C.A. Venn mostly on subjects such as storms, passions, solitude. |
Beinecke Osborn d232 | Seems likely to contain a large amount of original poetry given the corrections and the subject (sonnets addressed to particular women). |
Beinecke Osborn d233 | Maybe the two items signed E.H., which are a translation of Rousseau and a play on Chapter 3 of Habakkuk.
Beinecke Osborn d256 | Uncertain if the compiler contributed poems, but their personal acquaintances did (eg. Warton, Symmons). |
Beinecke Osborn d258 | Yes. All poems appear to be original. The coterie names strongly imply original authorship, as do the section titles. |
Beinecke Osborn d267 | Possibly a poem titled "The birch," "by the late Revd. T. Wilson, many years Head Master of the Free Grammar School at Clitherol Lancashire." |
Beinecke Osborn d49 | Yes, up to half of the poetry is seemingly original to either Charles Parr Burney, his father, and I.L.B., or the Crewe Hall coterie of the 1780s and 90s. |
Beinecke Osborn d494 | Possibly; a few poems signed only with initials, many poems attributed to members of Charles James Fox's social circle. |
Beinecke Osborn d69 | Yes, by Maria Riddell, W., L., and (mostly) the compiler. The compiler's (unattributed) poems appear to be original because they turn up no FLI results and are said to have been “Written” at various times between 1811 and 1816. Multiple poems also feature corrections, including changes in diction. Note the poems about Mary Tighe, suggesting the compiler was acquainted with her. |
Beinecke Osborn d80 | Yes. |
Beinecke Osborn d93 | Seemingly all original poetry. |
Beinecke Osborn fc124 | Yes; plenty of original poetry by Mary Cornwallis and her family, largely occasional (more specifically, birthdays). |
Beinecke Osborn fc130 | Possibly, see the First Line Index items attributed to "G. W. L. jr.," Walker, and Welce. |
Beinecke Osborn fc132 | Yes. The final poem is likely original because there are no FLI hits and it is initialed by the compiler. The poem on p. 82 attributed to "Alexis" might also be original. |
Beinecke Osborn fc185 | Possibly. Some anonymous poems labeled “Forton Prison” and dated 1795. |
Beinecke Osborn fc51 | Yes, plenty, including a number attributed to A.R. and the Revd. Evelyn, and the final epistle, which is by Frances Boscawen. Most poems seem to have come from friends and acquaintances. |
Beinecke Osborn fc58 | Probably not, except for the crossed-out and incomplete love poem on p. 169. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. c. 9 | Maybe; possibly some original items by Philibrown or his circle not found elsewhere, however, this is an example of where original/ local blurs with published work. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. d. 189 | Maybe; some poems with no First Line Index hits, for example p. 158 "On Throwing By An Old Coat," and school exercises. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. d. 47 | Yes; almost all original, as indicated by title page and headnotes to poems, but the First Line Index identifies four authored by others: Erasmus Darwin/ Anna Seward; Waller; J. Cooper; Queen Charlotte. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 109 | Yes; all original Elizabeth Amherst Thomas poems. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 111 | Yes, those (four) not attributed are seemingly by the compiler, since a number of others are by his father. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 17 | Yes, all entries seem to be originals. Composed either by a group of friends or by one member of the group. Seems to be the records of a local coterie's sociable exchanges. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 28 | Yes; high proportion by Joshua Peart, Sally Bate, Eleanor Peart, etc. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 40 | Yes, frequent contextual references to sociable verse, riddles, or rebuses arising out of his social circle, especially interactions with women. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 47 | Yes, some is probably the work of the copyist and her friends. |
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. f. 28 | Yes, all Allanson's poems save one poem by someone called F. A. |
Bodleian MS Mont. e. 14 | Yes, original poetry by Scriblerus, Eliza, T.E.T. – but note that some of the “original” poetry is adapted – e.g. Burns, Langhorne; unacknowledged copying of Elizabeth Carter poem as “To Eliza Written at Midnight” (item #94). |
British Library Add. MS 28102 | Yes, heading implies all poetry/ prose section of the book by Ashley Cowper. |
British Library Add. MS 37684 | Yes, plenty of poetry by the compiler (William Taylor) and potentially a single poem by his wife, Anna. |
British Library Add. MS 58802 | Maybe. Nine poems are attributed to the compiler's half-brother, Lord Byron, by the addition either of his name or of the letter 'B' at the head. Some of the answers might be by the compiler. |
British Library Add. MS 59656 | Yes, most of this poetry from comes from the coterie network of Tickells, Sheridans, Linleys. First poem, by E.A.S., has “Ms” [presumably "manuscript"] written beside the title. |
British Library Add. MS 70494 | Yes, all Soame Jenyns' poetry. |
British Library Add. MS 75569 | Possibly one or two that are annotated near the start of the book, and the Rosa elegies. |
Chawton House 2622, MAN LOF | Yes, seemingly all original to the Loftus and Townshend families. |
Chawton House 4946, MAN WIL | Yes, all original to Sarah Wilmot/ Elizabeth Sarah Wilmot and their circle. |
Clark MS 1948.003 | Unlikely. No indication of anything that is not found in the various miscellanies and collections of works indicated at the end of most works, although not 100% sourced. |
Clark MS 1956.002 | Yes, all by or translated by Samuel Greatheed. |
Clark MS 1968.002 | Very likely given number of unattributed items. |
Clark MS 1976.014 | Maybe. Poems in the second hand seem to alternate between identifiable poems and obscure poems with no First Line Index hits. |
Clark MS 1982.002 | Unlikely. The title claims there is original poetry, but the only item not attributed in the First Line Index is the Corinthians paraphrase. |
Clark MS 1983.001 | Yes, but less than the catalogue description suggests. The compiler occasionally used “I” or otherwise indicated that this anecdote happened to him and/or an epigram is of his composition. |
Clark MS 1983.002 | Yes. Some work (in the first section) makes reference to current events in the social life of the author. The headnotes indicate occasions of composition. Two refer to the author as "Jenny." |
Clark MS 1984.004 | Yes, p. 25 item attributed to Trigg. |
Clark MS 1986.003 | Yes. Those by "T.T." and others, as well. |
Clark MS 1993.001 | Yes, initials or signature of Francis Hawes on some poems. |
Clark MS 1994.001 | Yes, primarily the compositions of Mary Woodyeare Tibbits; poems at the ambigraph end of the book are by Dr. Francis Drake. |
Clark MS 2000.005 | Yes, apparently all original poetry. |
Clark MS 2008.023 | Vol. 1: Yes. Since attributions are the general rule, where they are absent, that work is possibly original. Vol. 2: Yes, at least one poem attributed to “Mr. R –" probably referring to William Roscoe. Vol. 3: Yes, probably the opening poem to Julia. Vol. 4: Yes, probably pp. 29–30. |
Clark MS 2019.032 | Yes; there seems to be a lot of local poetry, and headers suggest the recording of his own writings. |
Folger MS M.a.104 | Unlikely; no obvious indications of this, but perhaps some of the few unattributed poems. |
Folger MS M.a.116 | Very likely. A number of items signed/ initialed by the compiler, though he also puts his signature to works he attributes to other authors. |
Folger MS M.a.15 | Maybe; there's a whole series of poems by P.M—d daught of Col. M—d, perhaps the compiler. |
Folger MS M.a.162 | Maybe early "Nancy" poems with the special borders. |
Folger MS M.a.163 | Yes; many seem to be original within compiler’s circle – aristocratic friends, travellers in area of Llangollen, final poem accompanying a cow, etc. |
Folger MS M.a.164 | Yes; translation and imitation of Johnson epigram; possibly “On dancing,” since it follows these plus 2 enigmas, and is the only poem in the book not attributed. |
Folger MS M.a.169 | Maybe; a lot of satirical stuff not in the First Line Index. |
Folger MS M.a.170 | Maybe; some items with Puleston name; a number not in First Line Index, but others that are unattributed are found there. |
Folger MS M.a.174 | Maybe some of the cases of translations from Latin, which are headed "Attempted in English." |
Folger MS M.a.179 | Yes; some unattributed could be compiler or compiler’s network. Final poem on “The Expedition of a Female Poet and a Female Printer” might be autobiographical. Reference to compiler of this collection, or one from whose compilation this was taken on p. 127. Large section of occasional poetry by Hannah More from early years (1760s) – compiler seems to be connected to More circle via E. Blandford Brickenden, so some of this may be original to the collection. |
Folger MS M.a.180 | Yes, likely a lot. None of the unattributed poems show up in the First Line Index. |
Folger MS M.a.181 | Yes, many unpublished, unattributed, and possibly original compositions by friends or by the compiler herself. |
Folger MS M.a.182 | Yes, initialed ATW. |
Folger MS M.a.183 | Unlikely given the focus on fashionable people. |
Folger MS M.a.185 | Perhaps final poem and more — seemingly poetry circulating around Daniel Wray. |
Folger MS M.a.186 | Yes, likely almost all of it. |
Folger MS M.a.187 | Yes, apparently most. The language and subject matter suggest a connection to Scotland. Some poems from periodical sources. |
Folger MS M.b.13 | Very likely, since much of the material is unattributed. |
Folger MS M.b.21 | Likely some, but could be from magazines. |
Folger MS M.b.23 | Likely, given the number of unattributed and unknown items. |
Folger MS N.b.3 | Yes, all original to Anne Finch. |
Folger MS W.a.271 | Possibly—several items indicate “not to be given away/parted with,” possibly suggesting the compiler’s authorship. |
Folger MS W.a.86 | Perhaps opening imitation of Tunbridge poem, f. 60. |
Houghton MS Am 1369 | Yes, one poem, "An Answer to Satire on Samuel Quincy." |
Houghton MS Am 1894 | Likely, many not found in the First Line Index. |
Houghton MS Am 1894.1(1) | Yes, seemingly all original. Opening letter which assures the recipient that these “sounds that fill my head with discords” might be “fraught with nothing more than accidental excellence,” along with the introduction, strongly implies this is the compiler's original poetry. |
Houghton MS Am 1919 | Likely; not many First Line Index hits. |
Houghton MS Am 910 | Yes, includes poetry by the compiler, including a poem on the death of her brother, Isaac Story. |
Houghton MS Eng 1280 | Yes, plenty by Piozzi and others. |
Houghton MS Eng 569.63 | Likely; probably “On Mr Shelly’s Poem ‘Prometheus unbound,’” because of the attribution, “John Ball Febry 4th 1822,” and first line: "Shelly styles his new Poem ‘Prometheus unbound’..." which is amateur-ish and not in the First Line Index. If not by the compiler maybe by a friend. |
Houghton MS Eng 584 | Yes, many items by Cumberlege and a "Mr. Tate." Mostly religious or occasional. |
Houghton MS Eng 611 | Yes. Volume 2 title page says: “A great many written or composed by T. Austen of Rochester.” |
Houghton MS Eng 614 | Maybe; T. A.’s other volume contains original poetry, so this is a possibility. That said, it's difficult to tell because he makes items that aren’t his own quite personal (eg. p. 120) so the annotations can be misleading. If there is original material, there is not much. |
Houghton MS Eng 680 | Probably, many items unattributed. Presumably "On the Death of Edith Lovell & Joseph Sparrow, who were Shipwreck’d in their Passage from Cork to Bristol near Uphill in Somersetshire the 30th of 12th mo: 178{1}" (136) and maybe "To Ethelinda who sent the Author attach Paper with this Motto," and others |
Houghton MS Eng 926 | Yes, by members of the compiler's family, though seemingly nothing by herself. |
Houghton MS Hyde 35 (4) | Yes; all or primarily original poetry by the compiler. |
Houghton MS Hyde 35 (5) | Yes, at least half. |
Huntington MS 106 | Yes. Seller’s note suggests that most poetry is original, a few items are attributed to "R.B." or "Robert Beere," and the First Line Index doesn’t identify many of the other contents. |
Huntington MS 29165 | Yes; items identified as by her father, by Mr. Hook extempore at the table, and by friends – many of the contents seems to have been acquired through manuscript circulation. |
Huntington Stowe Vol. III | Yes, at least the poem on p. 14, first line "Says Grenville, 'to our Church at home'"... n.b. a later original prose sermon by Lord Grenville. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 100 | Yes; the Wyvill sequence at the end of the ambigraph section seems to be original. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 104 | Yes. The first page of the manuscript attributes the poems to Peter Pinnell. Seemingly most, if not all, of the poems up to f. 82 are Peter Pinnell. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 106 | Maybe, but not obviously. Some shorter, unattributed items like On the Scotch Pavement (f. 124v) might be original - they are not in the First Line Index, though this might just be due to their length. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 11 | Perhaps the first nine poems, which are not in the FLI. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 110 | Maybe; hard to say given the occasional use of attributions, but most items can be found in the First Line Index. If any item appears to be original, it’s "To a Lady on Her Birth day" (ff. 61–62), which is dated (unlike other items). |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 119 | Likely; a number of poems "By a Lady" as well as the poems by Mr. Charles Yorke addressed to a lady could be original. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 12 | Maybe; most items either attributed or turned up First Line Index results, but a few items in the second hand seem to be the poetry of young people, relatives ("Wm Scott"), or the poet himself. Also annotations in the hand of the second compiler suggest original poetry (eg. p. 98). |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 123 | Presumably. Rare use of attributions, but a lot of items turned up no First Line Index hits, some with very saucy titles (see p. 116). Unless this compiler was consistently drawing on extremely obscure sources, this manuscript contains a significant amount of original poetry. A lot of items (more than fifteen) are titled “— described,” eg. p. 104 Cock fighting described, p.116 Chaos described, etc. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 125 | Very likely; many unattributed poems with no First Line Index hits. Especially intriguing/ suggestive of originality are pp. 51, 57–58, 128–129, 236–240, and 240–241. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 24 | Yes, p. 109, which is signed and dated both when and where the item was written, and when and where it was copied into this manuscript. Also p. 120, and likely more items. |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 53 | Yes, at least seven poems (pp. 8–9, 11, 15–22, 27–31, 32–35, 51–53, and 54–56). |
Leeds Brotherton Lt 93 | Possibly, perhaps the work of the second eighteenth-century hand. f. 58 note: “never published.” No indications of original work in first hand section. |
Leeds Brotherton Ltq 51 | Yes; many original items, pp. 104–108, but also original poems from school (though possibly not by Weller himself) pp. 109–194. |
Princeton Taylor no. 87 | Yes; the first two poems (which are about a Mrs. J—e M—ns) and the one on p. 65r about a Mrs. Frances Hargrave. There may be more, but my sense was that there were just these three. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 515 | Possibly, though unclear. Revisions to a pastoral poem and a unique verse epistle invitation suggest they are original works. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 549 | Yes, plenty, mostly in the second volume. The first poem of each volume is original; then in volume 1 there are three other original poems on pp. 159–166, 174–175, and 296. Volume 2 has a lot more original poetry, primarily by Marsh but also by Diana Lathom (pp. 43–45, 77–81, and 120–123); also a couple poems by a Revd James Willins (around p. 115) and “the late Miss Caroline Symmons” (pp. 250–254). |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 551 | Every poem is attributed to a published author except the last item which is also not in the Table of Contents. This item seems original, based on the title and spelling: "The hundred and thirty ninth Psalm Parafres’d[sic] In Scribed to my good friend Duncan Tosshoch of monyoad[?]" |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 556 | Unlikely. Perhaps some poems which briefly depart from political subjects, found on pp. 27-28, p. 58. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 557 | Possibly, though it is unclear as none note authorship. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 558 | Possibly, given the number of anonymous poems, but there is no clear evidence of original work. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 581 | Possibly but most of the contents seem to be copied from periodicals. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 636 | Yes, mainly original work by the compiler. The collection also features an answer to a Tighe poem by C.H. and a number of shorter unattributed poems, though these are presumably by Tighe as well. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 639 | Yes; by I. Wasse, R.M., and likely Porson, though unsigned. The second section includes many working copies of original poetry. |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 69 | Occasional items, including poems about the compiler's former school and pets |
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 757 | Two or three poems at most; presumably “Dr Lowths Bishop of London on the Death of his Daughter (Translated by my Father Feb: 28 1778)” (p. 92) and the item signed “EB” (p. 62). |