Theme: Solitude, loneliness, retirement
Celebrations or lamentations of a state of isolation or retirement.
Beinecke Osborn c138
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, 1737.
7 items.
Melancholy poems on such subjects as love, solitude, and loneliness.
Beinecke Osborn c149
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1780.
15 items.
Approximately half Latin poetry + four Shenstone poems and one tribute to Shenstone.
Shenstonian pastoral; university poetry.
Beinecke Osborn c153
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1746.
37 items, 23 poems.
Largely the work of Hannah Wakeford ("Amynta"). Begins with seven letters from Amynta to Aurelia followed by religious hymns and poems, enigmas, and poems on friendship and solitude.
Reflects the work of the Towgood-Steele-Wakeford family.
Beinecke Osborn c156
Title | Amusements 1768-69 |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Mary Hilhouse, 1768–1769.
All in a single hand except the first item, which is the first three books of Pope's Essay on Man.
65 items.
Generally serious, moral poems; some essays or essay extracts taken from The Spectator.
Beinecke Osborn c163
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1770s.
19 items.
Unbound booklet with some copy errors suggesting this may have been a first copying of materials for a later collection.
Thematic focus on contentment, lack of ambition, choice of retirement and friendship over wealth and power.
Beinecke Osborn d226
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, early nineteenth-century.
19 poems.
Primarily sentimental poems, many written by Edward Venn and C.A. Venn on such subjects as passions, nature, friendship, and solitude.
Beinecke Osborn d267
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, 1805 or later.
71 items.
Primarily sentimental entries, poems on such subjects as sorrow, love, and exile, and copies of letters and verses relating to Major John André and Anna Seward.
Bodleian MS Mont. e. 13
Title | "A Book of Select Songs. Volume the first."; [...] |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Mary Tadwell, 1744–1761. Taken over by John Watson Tadwell in a clear effort to continue/complete Mary Tadwell's work.
Three volumes composed roughly chronologically.
167 poems.
Contents heavy on riddles, acrostics, songs; frequent country-city theme, but with no sense of a specific country locality.
Folger MS M.a.163
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Anonymous, 1786–1798.
120 poems.
A very feminocentric collection with many female-authored work.
Tighe family coterie; Cavendish-Ponsonby-Crewe network.
Houghton MS Eng 1280
Title | Poems on several occasions with introductory [...] |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Houghton Library |
Hester Lynch Thrale Piozzi, 1810–1814.
Five volumes for her adopted nephew, but only the first three are primarily poetry, and therefore considered manuscript verse miscellanies.
Largely original occasional poems accompanied by prose biographical material and information about the circumstances of each item's composition.
Houghton MS Eng 611
Title | I: "A collection of poems and various fragme [...] |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Houghton Library |
Rev. Thomas Austen, 1760.
Three volumes, only the first two of which are manuscript verse miscellanies, and therefore included in this entry.
768 poems.
A real variety of contents. The first volume revolves around poems about various natural elements and experiences of country life. The second volume
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 549
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | University of Chicago Special Collections and Research Center |
Revd. William Heath Marsh, ca. 1810.
~100 + ~85 = ~185 poems.
Volume 1 consists primarily of copied poetry, especially pastoral and morality poems or poems with classical themes; volume 2 contains much more original poetry, poems related to public affairs, and references to a Norfolk social network centred around Marsh and Thomas and Mary Blofeld.
Beinecke Osborn c130
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anne Heigham, 1781–ca. 1785.
38 items.
Includes multiple female authors, son's tribute to mother at the end of the book, and epilogues presumably spoken at local productions.
Polite poetry.
Beinecke Osborn c139–142
Title | I, II: "A Collection of Poems. Thomas Binns [...] |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Thomas Binns, 1789–1799.
"Collection of Poems" numbered Vols. II and III, and "Miscellaneous Manuscripts" numbered Vols. 3 and 4.
117 + 74 + 112 + 116 = 419 items, numerous very long poems.
Quaker writings; political themes (anti-war, anti-slavery, pro-revolutionary); sentimental poetry and poetry about nature.
Beinecke Osborn c176
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, 1728.
79 items.
Primarily witty poetry, both high and low; some serious political and moral poems.
Beinecke Osborn c258
Title | A Collection of Poems |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anne Woolfe, ca. 1715.
43 items.
Theme of tension between earthly and heavenly love, and time and eternity, but more witty than sentimental.
Beinecke Osborn c548
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Hubbard, ca. 1710.
25 poems.
Includes anonymous poetry on English reformers, pastorals, and other poems by known and attributed authors.
Beinecke Osborn c651
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Possibly Miss Martyns, ca. 1730–1750.
130 poems.
Secular and religious verses from contemporary authors.
Beinecke Osborn c83
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous member of the Porter family, late eighteenth-century.
4 volumes, 2039 poems.
Contemporary poetry, many items commonly included in manuscript verse miscellanies.
Beinecke Osborn c90
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, maybe Diana Burroughs, ca. 1774–1787.
85 poems.
A mix of original and well-known poetry with a high proportion of original occasional verse.
Beinecke Osborn fc132
Title | Poems on Several Occasions; Collected from D [...] |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
James Forbes, 1766–1800.
This entry concerns only the first volume, as the second is entirely prose.
151 poems.
Poems on various subjects, including many on death and women, but also conduct, retirement, nature, and slavery.
Beinecke Osborn fc183
Title | A Collection of Pieces &ca in Prose and Vers [...] |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
P. Simpson, 1790–1793.
90 poems.
Mostly eighteenth-century poetry, namely conduct poems, pastoral poems, poems about the poor, epitaphs, and epigrams.
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. d. 189
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Anonymous Oxonian, 1790s.
Some items possibly marked for copying.
214 poems.
Lots of Latin poetry, and English poetry with Greek titles.
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. d. 47
Title | Lusus Seniles; or, Trifles To Kill Time in C [...] |
Period | 1731-1760 , 1761-1790 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Mr. Davis, ca. 1750–1765.
146 items.
Pastorals, love poems, and poems on aging with one about inability to perform sexually.
Kidlington circle with key to coterie pseudonyms on final page.
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 28
Title | A Collection of Poems by various Hands, but [...] |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Eleanor Peart, 1768.
Organized chronologically and thematically.
182 poems.
A high proportion of original poetry; strong emphasis on the pastoral including the use of pastoral pseudonyms.
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 40
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 , 1761-1790 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Gabriel Lepipre, ca. 1750.
246 poems.
Good example of miscellany as autobiography; also includes lots of epitaphs.
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 47
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 , 1761-1790 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Anonymous female member of John Graham Clarke household, ca. 1752–1766.
66 items.
Interest in women's conduct and morality.
Bodleian MS Mont. e. 14
Title | Poetry Selected and Orginal, 1788 & 1789 |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Eliza Chapman, 1788-89.
87 poems.
Contributions by Scriblerus, Eliza Chapman's suitor.
Clark MS 1986.003
Title | Negotiolum bellae. |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Clark Library |
Catherine Springett (with contributions by her daughter and granddaughter, Mary Boys and Mary Sankey), ca. 1742–1749.
149 poems.
Quite a few enigmas, riddles, but mostly poems, almost all contemporary. Seemingly indicative of a coterie with original poetry by "T.T." and other friends.
Clark MS 2008.023
Title | I: "Poems extracted from Several Authors. Wi [...] |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Clark Library |
Jane Griffies Roscoe, 1774–1790.
200 poems.
Interest in female poets and women-centered poetry.
Folger MS M.a.110
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 , 1761-1790 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
H. Watkins, ca. 1730s–1775.
245 items.
Broad range of subject matter, but generally serious poetry.
Folger MS M.a.181
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Anonymous, 1818–1823.
Solutions given for riddles and anagrams, suggesting the book's use for social reading and games.
355 items, 200 poems.
Swings from sentimental/tragic to lightly comic, but no really cynical poetry – mostly sentimental or clichéd humour.
Folger MS M.a.53–58
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
John Dixon, ca. 1780–1817.
Six volumes.
Popular eighteenth-century poetry.
Folger MS W.a.271
Title | Poetry |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Louisa Grey, ca. 1780s.
Some items specified as not for circulation.
150 poems.
Many poems about women, love; some epitaphs.
Houghton MS Eng 768
Title | A Collection of various kinds of Poetry |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Houghton Library |
Melesinda Munbee (seemingly transcribed by Elizabeth Munbee), 1749–1750.
A manuscript verse miscellany assembled in childhood, based on a father's library.
Two volumes, 44 poems.
Many items by Swift; other bawdy contents.
Houghton MS Eng 926
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Houghton Library |
Charlotte Burney Francis Broome, 1771–ca. 1806.
82 poems.
Mostly original poetry by members of the Burney family with themes of family, courtship/marriage, and death.
Leeds Brotherton Lt 123
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Brotherton Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1700.
This entry concerns the first 150 pages only (before the first change in hand).
100 items.
Thematic groupings involving passage of time, ephemerality of life, solitude, religion, kings, etc.
Leeds Brotherton Lt 125
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Brotherton Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1740s.
73 poems.
Seemingly a woman’s book with themes of nature, courtship, public affairs.
Leeds Brotherton Lt 15
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Brotherton Library |
Anonymous, 1723, with a few later additions in 1740s.
153 poems.
Mostly seventeenth-century poetry, typically very short poems with thematic titles. Lots of verses on classical Greek figures.
Leeds Brotherton Lt 45
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 , 1761-1790 |
Archive | Brotherton Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1743–1767.
280 items.
Subject matter mainly religious, contemplations of death; some are not squarely religious, praising virtue, friendship, science, etc.; some Jacobite-related material.
Leeds Brotherton Lt 53
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Brotherton Library |
Benjamin Coles, 1740–1741.
This manuscript is entirely devoted to poetry, whereas Lt 24, by the same compiler, is a more mixed book. This book was intended as a gift to his brother.
40 items.
Largely religious and/or Latin poetry.
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 551
Title | A Collection of Miscellaneous poems on Diffe [...] |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | University of Chicago Special Collections and Research Center |
Anonymous, 1730.
19 poems.
Primarily religious and sentimental poems with six pastorals by Ambrose Philips.