Theme: Alcohol, other beverages, tobacco
Discussion of drinking alcohol, tea, or coffee, or inhaling tobacco; drinking songs.
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 17
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Unknown author, ca. 1750.
9 poems.
A stitched booklet, largely about the travels of a group of young friends and their local community of Blandford. Phonetic spelling and unpolished verse suggest a relatively uneducated compiler.
Princeton Taylor no. 87
Title | Poems and Songs upon Several Occasions. |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Princeton University Library Special Collections |
Joshua Peart, 1726.
256 poems.
A large eclectic book with a special concentration of pastoral poems and songs, political satire and other poems about politicians, and humorous poems; also contains multiple poems about alcohol and tobacco.
Beinecke Osborn c186
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1760.
103 items.
Broad range of subjects organized thematically (e.g. divine poems, hymns, drinking themes, court characters, etc.)
Beinecke Osborn c265
Title | (Poems &c) |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1730.
Additions and annotations possibly by a second hand in 1730s.
39 items.
Centred on Swift and Pope, with a few items about them by others, and a few additional satires.
Beinecke Osborn c481
Title | Select and Miscellaneous Poems, Scraps, Mottos &c. |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
John Freeman Milward Dovaston, 1773 and later.
Separate title page at the end for Odes by Thomas Gray.
75 poems, many original.
A mix of English and Latin poems and mottos with a particular interest in classical figures and religious belief.
Beinecke Osborn c83
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous member of the Porter family, late eighteenth-century.
4 volumes, 2039 poems.
Contemporary poetry, many items commonly included in manuscript verse miscellanies.
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. d. 189
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Anonymous Oxonian, 1790s.
Some items possibly marked for copying.
214 poems.
Lots of Latin poetry, and English poetry with Greek titles.
Bodleian MS Mont. e. 13
Title | "A Book of Select Songs. Volume the first."; [...] |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Mary Tadwell, 1744–1761. Taken over by John Watson Tadwell in a clear effort to continue/complete Mary Tadwell's work.
Three volumes composed roughly chronologically.
167 poems.
Contents heavy on riddles, acrostics, songs; frequent country-city theme, but with no sense of a specific country locality.
Clark MS 1948.003
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Clark Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1709–1712.
57 items.
Very author oriented, with source attributions.
Clark MS 1982.002
Title | Miscellany Poems : containing various kinds [...] |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Clark Library |
Elizabeth Munbee, 1745.
16 poems.
Miscellaneous collection of poems by popular poets like Samuel Wesley, Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, and Nicholas Rowe.
Clark MS 1984.001
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 , 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Clark Library |
Anonymous, 1735–1812.
Written tête-bêche.
137 poems.
Primarily devotional poetry and Methodist hymns.
Clark MS 1984.004
Title | A common place book. |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Clark Library |
Thomas Trigg, 1785.
Attributes print sources of most poems.
54 poems.
Quite a few extracts of blank verse from Shakespeare plays, Latin poetry. The compiler seems to rely on a lot of anthologies of extracts .
Clark MS 2000.005
Title | I, II: "Poetical compositions on various Sub [...] |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Clark Library |
John Sanderson, 1787–ca. 1816, with one entry from 1832.
Four volumes, but this entry concerns only the first three (the poetry miscellanies).
121 poems.
Translations of Latin poetry, humorous poetry, apparently all original.
Clark MS 2019.038
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Clark Library |
Sarah Wills, 1736–1737.
Alternates between poetry and receipts, bills, and letters, but gives the sense of an integral whole.
64 items, 19 poems.
Apparently a young woman's schoolbook which includes instruction in a variety of topics including handwriting, poetry, morals and commerce.
Folger MS M.a.162
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1799-1803.
Ambigraph volume with poetry beginning at one end and prose anecdotes, mainly biographical, at the other. This listing pertains only to the poetry end of the manuscript.
288 poems.
Miscellaneous and short poems, mostly extracts, epitaphs, and epigrams.
Folger MS M.a.169
Title | Collectanea quadam Nugalia |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
J. Wright, ca. 1700–ca. 1715.
Apparently owned and used by William Bromley immediately after the composition of the book by J. Wright.
100 items, 65 poems.
Very mixed book, containing extracts, poems, epitaphs, anagrams, antiquarian notes, satiric poetry etc.; Lots of recorded info re: languages, mathematics, etc.; Jacobite-related material.
Folger MS M.a.185
Title | Miscellanies in Prose and Verse Vol: 1 |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Folger MS M.a.186
Title | A Collection of Poems |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Mr. Stocker of Portsmouth, ca. 1753–1780.
Lots of orginial material.
260 poems.
Much local content; clearly a supporter of the Opposition in the 1730s and 40s.
Folger MS M.a.187
Title | A Collection of Poetry |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Anonymous (probably from Scotland), 1737–ca. 1740.
415 poems
Many religious/devotional poems.
Folger MS M.a.53–58
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
John Dixon, ca. 1780–1817.
Six volumes.
Popular eighteenth-century poetry.
Folger MS M.b.21
Title | Miscellany of prose and poetry of Mary Gay, [...] |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Mary Gay, 1801–1809.
324 items.
Preference for humorous pieces; some riddles.
Folger MS W.a.118
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1765.
29 items.
Coz. Widow Davis gives compiler a Shenstone manuscript ca. 1752.
Lighthearted poems (many about public affairs) with some social satire.
Folger MS W.a.271
Title | Poetry |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Louisa Grey, ca. 1780s.
Some items specified as not for circulation.
150 poems.
Many poems about women, love; some epitaphs.
Folger MS W.a.86
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Anne Milles, ca. 1715.
21 poems.
Opens with a drinking song; not too serious a book in general.
Houghton MS Eng 611
Title | I: "A collection of poems and various fragme [...] |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Houghton Library |
Rev. Thomas Austen, 1760.
Three volumes, only the first two of which are manuscript verse miscellanies, and therefore included in this entry.
768 poems.
A real variety of contents. The first volume revolves around poems about various natural elements and experiences of country life. The second volume
Huntington MS 106
Title | Verses |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Huntington Library |
Robert Beere, ca. 1740s.
Very good example to look at organizing systems because he uses thematic, length, alphabetical, etc. to varying degrees throughout the book.
338 items.
Many items are short aphorisms or epigrams; much in nature of advice literature; various pieces on the nature of man (the human state).
Huntington MS 82623
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 , 1731-1760 |
Archive | Huntington Library |
Anonymous, 1724–1729, with additional items copied in the 1690s and early 1730s.
A book bound subsequent to copying.
115 poems.
Contains a Historical Dialogue in Scripture, as well as addresses, ballads, epigrams, epitaphs, extracts, poems and verses. Interest in literary celebrities like Pope and Swift.
Leeds Brotherton Lt 15
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Brotherton Library |
Anonymous, 1723, with a few later additions in 1740s.
153 poems.
Mostly seventeenth-century poetry, typically very short poems with thematic titles. Lots of verses on classical Greek figures.
Leeds Brotherton Lt 24
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 , 1731-1760 |
Archive | Brotherton Library |
Benjamin Coles, ca. 1729–1741.
A more mixed book compared to Lt 53 which is by the same compiler, and entirely devoted to poetry.
108 items, 66 poems.
Many songs, religious poems.
Leeds Brotherton Lt 35
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 , 1731-1760 |
Archive | Brotherton Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1713–1740.
91 items.
Mostly anti-Whig, anti-Hanoverian political satire; Jacobite-related material.
Leeds Brotherton Lt 61
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Brotherton Library |
James Gollop, ca. 1715.
Possible example of a socially humble compiler, an aspirational book.
26 items.
Generally very common love poems and descriptive poems, common choices for a non-political miscellany of the early decades of the century.
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 553
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | University of Chicago Special Collections and Research Center |
Anonymous, 1715–1717.
318 poems.
Diverse collection of poems, with a significant number of poems satirising women and marriage; also interested in the classics, public affairs, literature, Oxford, theatre, and religious satire.
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 636
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | University of Chicago Special Collections and Research Center |
William Tighe, ca. 1815.
25 poems.
Mainly light-hearted original poems on such subjects as love, theatre, and furniture.
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 639
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | University of Chicago Special Collections and Research Center |
Richard Porson, ca. 1780.
Includes a second section of bound-in separates with its own Table of Contents.
75 poems in the first section + 52 in the second.
Jacobite- and Cambridge-related material.