Theme: Classical themes
English-language rewritings, or discussions of, stories or passages or characters from the Greek and Roman classical tradition.
Beinecke Osborn c110
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Bishop Worth, ca. 1730s.
11 Latin poems, 13 English poems.
Betty Careless and Dryden-themed poems.
Beinecke Osborn c481
Title | Select and Miscellaneous Poems, Scraps, Mottos &c. |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
John Freeman Milward Dovaston, 1773 and later.
Separate title page at the end for Odes by Thomas Gray.
75 poems, many original.
A mix of English and Latin poems and mottos with a particular interest in classical figures and religious belief.
Beinecke Osborn fc135
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
George Montagu, ca. 1769–1790.
77 poems.
Verses attributed to George and Frederick Montagu, and copies of poems by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, and others.
* As of yet, this manuscript has not been examined due to 2021-2022 pandemic access restrictions. This description is a temporary placeholder based on catalogue entries and Union First Line Index records.
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. d. 189
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Anonymous Oxonian, 1790s.
Some items possibly marked for copying.
214 poems.
Lots of Latin poetry, and English poetry with Greek titles.
Clark MS 1982.001
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 , 1731-1760 |
Archive | Clark Library |
E.L.T. Bale, ca. 1730–1740 (possibly begun as early as 1710s though).
This entry concerns the poetry end of the manuscript only.
48 poems.
Poems from popular periodicals, a few Latin poems, and a series of Horatian odes versified in English.
Clark MS 2010.030
Title | Several works of Mr. Alexander Pope /collect [...] |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Clark Library |
John Baptist Rasi, 1781.
15 poems.
All Alexander Pope poems, some written out in their entirety.
Folger MS M.a.104
Title | A Collection of Poems by Several Hands |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Charles Plumptre ca. 1730.
79 poems.
Includes school exercises; some poems possibly from friendship circle that includes John Hoadly and Isaac Hawkins Brown; could be connected with Newcombe’s school in Hackney; satires on women; poems by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.
Folger MS M.a.110
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 , 1761-1790 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
H. Watkins, ca. 1730s–1775.
245 items.
Broad range of subject matter, but generally serious poetry.
Folger MS M.a.165-166
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Anonymous, seemingly ca. 1755.
Second volume seems to be organized thematically, with blank leaves left to be filled in later on the same theme (a good example of an organizational system in progress).
82 items.
Initially focused on high-profile writers of the turn of the century, though the second volume contains mid-century work.
Folger MS M.a.174
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Anonymous, 1724–1728.
109 poems.
Almost entirely early eighteenth-century poetry. Many contemporary satirical pieces, and items from Mist's Weekly Journal.
Folger MS M.a.186
Title | A Collection of Poems |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Mr. Stocker of Portsmouth, ca. 1753–1780.
Lots of orginial material.
260 poems.
Much local content; clearly a supporter of the Opposition in the 1730s and 40s.
Houghton MS Eng 611
Title | I: "A collection of poems and various fragme [...] |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Houghton Library |
Rev. Thomas Austen, 1760.
Three volumes, only the first two of which are manuscript verse miscellanies, and therefore included in this entry.
768 poems.
A real variety of contents. The first volume revolves around poems about various natural elements and experiences of country life. The second volume
Leeds Brotherton Lt 123
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Brotherton Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1700.
This entry concerns the first 150 pages only (before the first change in hand).
100 items.
Thematic groupings involving passage of time, ephemerality of life, solitude, religion, kings, etc.
Leeds Brotherton Lt 15
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Brotherton Library |
Anonymous, 1723, with a few later additions in 1740s.
153 poems.
Mostly seventeenth-century poetry, typically very short poems with thematic titles. Lots of verses on classical Greek figures.
Leeds Brotherton Lt 20
Title | The Six first Pastorals of Virgil, With Thre [...] |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Brotherton Library |
E. Beardwell, 1724.
31 poems.
Pastorals, georgics.
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 549
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | University of Chicago Special Collections and Research Center |
Revd. William Heath Marsh, ca. 1810.
~100 + ~85 = ~185 poems.
Volume 1 consists primarily of copied poetry, especially pastoral and morality poems or poems with classical themes; volume 2 contains much more original poetry, poems related to public affairs, and references to a Norfolk social network centred around Marsh and Thomas and Mary Blofeld.
Beinecke Osborn c135
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Philip Yorke 2nd Earl of Hardwicke, ca. 1756. Principal figure in Yorke-Grey coterie.
12 items—11 original or local poems, 1 Latin paste-in.
Beinecke Osborn c139–142
Title | I, II: "A Collection of Poems. Thomas Binns [...] |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Thomas Binns, 1789–1799.
"Collection of Poems" numbered Vols. II and III, and "Miscellaneous Manuscripts" numbered Vols. 3 and 4.
117 + 74 + 112 + 116 = 419 items, numerous very long poems.
Quaker writings; political themes (anti-war, anti-slavery, pro-revolutionary); sentimental poetry and poetry about nature.
Beinecke Osborn c163
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1770s.
19 items.
Unbound booklet with some copy errors suggesting this may have been a first copying of materials for a later collection.
Thematic focus on contentment, lack of ambition, choice of retirement and friendship over wealth and power.
Beinecke Osborn c176
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, 1728.
79 items.
Primarily witty poetry, both high and low; some serious political and moral poems.
Beinecke Osborn c189
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1705.
195 items.
Songs, political satire, poems on death, and bawdy poetry.
Beinecke Osborn c193
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Stephen Barrett, 1770-1794.
Gift from Cuthbert Wilson with a presentation poem.
45 items.
Original poems in Latin and English, mostly by Barrett, including school exercises; translations by Barrett of early modern and eighteenth-century English poems into Latin.
Beinecke Osborn c83
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous member of the Porter family, late eighteenth-century.
4 volumes, 2039 poems.
Contemporary poetry, many items commonly included in manuscript verse miscellanies.
Beinecke Osborn d69
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, with poems by Maria Banks Riddell and poems about Mary Tighe, 1814–1816.
46 poems, all original to the manuscript.
Primarily narrative poems on mythical creatures or historical subjects, and poems about nature; also includes many fables, love poems, and poetic renditions of the Psalms.
Beinecke Osborn fc132
Title | Poems on Several Occasions; Collected from D [...] |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
James Forbes, 1766–1800.
This entry concerns only the first volume, as the second is entirely prose.
151 poems.
Poems on various subjects, including many on death and women, but also conduct, retirement, nature, and slavery.
Beinecke Osborn fc183
Title | A Collection of Pieces &ca in Prose and Vers [...] |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
P. Simpson, 1790–1793.
90 poems.
Mostly eighteenth-century poetry, namely conduct poems, pastoral poems, poems about the poor, epitaphs, and epigrams.
Beinecke Osborn fc51
Title | The Parson's Barn A Collection of Poems of v [...] |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Frances Glanville Boscawen and Julia Evelyn, begun in 1746.
120 poems.
Popular and original poetry on various themes. Large section of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. c. 9
Title | Miscellanies |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Thomas Phillibrown, 1740–1757.
Divided into sections according to odd and even numbered pages.
152 poems.
Very London oriented (Public affairs, local interest, celebrities).
Reflects a mid-century coterie centering around John Hawkins and Moses Browne.
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 111
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Reginald Heber, ca. 1788–1789.
Very plain book.
18 poems.
Commemoration of people and events in the Brent River area.
British Library Add. MS 37684
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | British Library |
William Taylor of South Weald, ca. 1730.
61 poems.
Miscellaneous poetry collection including many Latin and Jacobite-related poems, in addition to original poetry. Irregular folio numbering suggests a post-bound compilation.
Clark MS 1956.002
Title | A Poetical Miscellany. In two parts. /by S. [...] |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Clark Library |
Samuel Greatheed, 1772–1773.
24 poems.
A good example of a miscellany by one author/compiler; includes some imitations and translations.
Clark MS 2000.005
Title | I, II: "Poetical compositions on various Sub [...] |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Clark Library |
John Sanderson, 1787–ca. 1816, with one entry from 1832.
Four volumes, but this entry concerns only the first three (the poetry miscellanies).
121 poems.
Translations of Latin poetry, humorous poetry, apparently all original.
Folger MS M.a.116
Title | A Selection of Modern Poems |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Azarias Williams, 1785–1790.
The compiler blurs his own voice with that of his sources by signing his name to much of what he copies.
78 poems.
Choices seem significant autobiographically—themes of emigration, social behaviour, British patriotism, New York, death, children, sentimental courtship, male unfaithfulness/libertinism, religious/devotional expressions, and topographical poetry.
Folger MS M.a.169
Title | Collectanea quadam Nugalia |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
J. Wright, ca. 1700–ca. 1715.
Apparently owned and used by William Bromley immediately after the composition of the book by J. Wright.
100 items, 65 poems.
Very mixed book, containing extracts, poems, epitaphs, anagrams, antiquarian notes, satiric poetry etc.; Lots of recorded info re: languages, mathematics, etc.; Jacobite-related material.
Folger MS M.a.185
Title | Miscellanies in Prose and Verse Vol: 1 |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Folger MS M.a.53–58
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
John Dixon, ca. 1780–1817.
Six volumes.
Popular eighteenth-century poetry.
Folger MS N.b.3
Title | Miscellany Poems with Two Plays by Ardelia |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea, ca. 1685–1701 or 1702.
109 poems.
Poems and plays.
Houghton MS Eng 692
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Houghton Library |
Thomas Ingoldsby (also known as Richard Harris Barham), 1808.
Poems, paraphrases, epigrams, and conundrums in English, French, Greek, and Latin.
Houghton MS Hyde 35 (5)
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Houghton Library |
Hester Thrale Piozzi, ca. 1818.
183 poems.
Mostly other authors, some original work, often addressed to her daughters.
Huntington MS 82623
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 , 1731-1760 |
Archive | Huntington Library |
Anonymous, 1724–1729, with additional items copied in the 1690s and early 1730s.
A book bound subsequent to copying.
115 poems.
Contains a Historical Dialogue in Scripture, as well as addresses, ballads, epigrams, epitaphs, extracts, poems and verses. Interest in literary celebrities like Pope and Swift.
Princeton Taylor no. 87
Title | Poems and Songs upon Several Occasions. |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Princeton University Library Special Collections |
Joshua Peart, 1726.
256 poems.
A large eclectic book with a special concentration of pastoral poems and songs, political satire and other poems about politicians, and humorous poems; also contains multiple poems about alcohol and tobacco.
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 553
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | University of Chicago Special Collections and Research Center |
Anonymous, 1715–1717.
318 poems.
Diverse collection of poems, with a significant number of poems satirising women and marriage; also interested in the classics, public affairs, literature, Oxford, theatre, and religious satire.
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 639
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | University of Chicago Special Collections and Research Center |
Richard Porson, ca. 1780.
Includes a second section of bound-in separates with its own Table of Contents.
75 poems in the first section + 52 in the second.
Jacobite- and Cambridge-related material.