Theme: Satire - political
Ridicule of political factions and parties, individuals in government roles, and events in the political sphere.
Beinecke Osborn c111
Title | Anecdota 1700. |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1700.
Tie binding.
66 items.
Largely political satire.
Beinecke Osborn c143
Title | Poems. 1796. |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, 1796.
7 items, including "To the Reader" poem.
Mix of religious and moral themes, political satire.
Beinecke Osborn c154
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 , 1731-1760 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1737–1755.
17 items.
Political satire; one serious epitaph on Bolingbroke; anti-Hanover and anti-Walpole.
Beinecke Osborn c170
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1712.
15 items.
Comic and satirical poems, often political; items directly related to political issues of late reign of Queen Anne.
Original productions of the Oxford-Winchester school circle.
Beinecke Osborn c172
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, late 1720s.
22 items.
Satirical (including an excerpt from Gulliver's Travels) and many poems on domestic animals. Includes references to Irish affairs.
Beinecke Osborn c189
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1705.
195 items.
Songs, political satire, poems on death, and bawdy poetry.
Beinecke Osborn c570
Title | Poems |
Period | 1701-1730 , 1731-1760 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous Jacobite, ca. 1714–1745.
4 volumes, 291 items.
Manuscript collection of Jacobite political satires and poems on public affairs.
Beinecke Osborn fc130
Title | Orders from Aug. 6 1771. Benjamin Finn. |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Benjamin Finn, ca. 1790.
26 poems.
Occasional poetry, many copied from newspapers and dated. Mainly satirical, lighthearted verse, often political; several epigrams and poems about death and/or illness.
Beinecke Osborn fc58
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Member of Pigott family, ca. 1750.
117 poems in two consecutive hands.
Jacobite poetry.
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. c. 9
Title | Miscellanies |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Thomas Phillibrown, 1740–1757.
Divided into sections according to odd and even numbered pages.
152 poems.
Very London oriented (Public affairs, local interest, celebrities).
Reflects a mid-century coterie centering around John Hawkins and Moses Browne.
British Library Add. MS 29981
Title | A Collection of Loyal Poems. Made in the Yea [...] |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | British Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1717.
130 poems.
Jacobite poems on the political events of the years 1714–1716.
British Library Add. MS 75569
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 , 1761-1790 |
Archive | British Library |
At least partially compiled by Frances, Viscountess Montague, begun ca. 1745.
93 poems.
Mildly moral and cynical about public affairs, social behaviours.
Clark MS 1950.025
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Clark Library |
Ann Countess of Strafford, ca. 1715–1730.
172 pages.
Primarily political satire, some acrostics of Ann's name; Jacobite-related material.
Clark MS 1982.001
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 , 1731-1760 |
Archive | Clark Library |
E.L.T. Bale, ca. 1730–1740 (possibly begun as early as 1710s though).
This entry concerns the poetry end of the manuscript only.
48 poems.
Poems from popular periodicals, a few Latin poems, and a series of Horatian odes versified in English.
Clark MS 1982.002
Title | Miscellany Poems : containing various kinds [...] |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Clark Library |
Elizabeth Munbee, 1745.
16 poems.
Miscellaneous collection of poems by popular poets like Samuel Wesley, Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, and Nicholas Rowe.
Clark MS 1983.001
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Clark Library |
J. Andrew, ca. 1778–1789.
691 items, 576 poems.
All epigrams.
Clark MS 1993.001
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 , 1731-1760 |
Archive | Clark Library |
Francis Hawes, 1720–1760.
An ambigraph volume with poetry on both ends. This entry is concerned with the two ends of the volume only, not the middle (recipe) section which is in another hand.
165 poems.
Political satire poems in the style of early eighteenth-century; satire of court manners and prominent women. Many poems that mention Bath.
Clark MS 2019.032
Title | Miscellaneous Articles, in Poetry and Prose |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Clark Library |
Anonymous Irish officer, ca. 1810–1830.
28 poems.
Many local interest pieces and political satire.
Folger MS M.a.169
Title | Collectanea quadam Nugalia |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
J. Wright, ca. 1700–ca. 1715.
Apparently owned and used by William Bromley immediately after the composition of the book by J. Wright.
100 items, 65 poems.
Very mixed book, containing extracts, poems, epitaphs, anagrams, antiquarian notes, satiric poetry etc.; Lots of recorded info re: languages, mathematics, etc.; Jacobite-related material.
Folger MS M.a.183
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Caroline Kilderbee, 1812–1863.
245 poems.
Mostly satirical items; great interest in celebrities.
Folger MS M.a.185
Title | Miscellanies in Prose and Verse Vol: 1 |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Folger MS M.b.21
Title | Miscellany of prose and poetry of Mary Gay, [...] |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Mary Gay, 1801–1809.
324 items.
Preference for humorous pieces; some riddles.
Folger MS W.a.103
Title | Ballads &c Vol. I |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1735.
15 poems.
Lots of ballads.
Houghton MS Am 1013
Title | Revolutionary lyrics manuscript |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Houghton Library |
Joshua Francis Fisher, ca. 1779.
3 poems.
Poems satirizing the organizers of the American Revolution.
Houghton MS Eng 569.63
Title | Epigrams |
Period | 1791-1820 |
Archive | Houghton Library |
Anonymous Norfolk Clergyman, ca. 1814–1822.
Only included up to p. 82 (/119) because the rest of the book is game charts and other miscellaneous contents.
53 poems.
Primarily local interest, political, and religious poetry.
Houghton MS Eng 606
Title | Poems, tracts & memoirs / collected by J. Rolfe |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Houghton Library |
J. Rolfe, 1700.
67 poems.
Primarily religious material.
Leeds Brotherton Lt 11
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Brotherton Library |
Smyth family of Heath, ca. 1710–1806.
This entry concerns only pp. 1-239 which consists of two hands, the second replacing the first but adopting the first hand's format. The second hand is also responsible for the index. All in all, however, the book is a sequence of at least six single-hand compilations.
173 items.
Political satire (Tory perspective), Oxford affairs, Wakefield-area affairs.
Leeds Brotherton Lt 119
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Brotherton Library |
Mary Capell, ca. 1740–1751.
Verso pages are filled with explanatory notes identifying people and places from the poems.
87 items.
Political satire, love poems; poems about poetry (writing, collection, gifts of poetry), the arts, and prologues and epilogues.
The final section of poems seems to be associated with the Yorke-Grey coterie.
Leeds Brotherton Lt 35
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 , 1731-1760 |
Archive | Brotherton Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1713–1740.
91 items.
Mostly anti-Whig, anti-Hanoverian political satire; Jacobite-related material.
Princeton Taylor no. 87
Title | Poems and Songs upon Several Occasions. |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Princeton University Library Special Collections |
Joshua Peart, 1726.
256 poems.
A large eclectic book with a special concentration of pastoral poems and songs, political satire and other poems about politicians, and humorous poems; also contains multiple poems about alcohol and tobacco.
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 515
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | University of Chicago Special Collections and Research Center |
Anonymous, ca. 1750.
15 poems.
Themes of love and desire, sociability, and contemporary politics; items in French and Italian.
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 556
Title | A Miscellaneous Collection of Papers in Pros [...] |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | University of Chicago Special Collections and Research Center |
Anonymous Scottish anti-Unionist, 1708.
116 items, 100 poems.
Contents focused on issues around the ascension of Queen Anne and the Act of Union, as well as religious disputes between Episcopal and Presbyterian positions.
The position of this manuscript is Jacobite, Episcopalian, and anti-Unionist.
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 639
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | University of Chicago Special Collections and Research Center |
Richard Porson, ca. 1780.
Includes a second section of bound-in separates with its own Table of Contents.
75 poems in the first section + 52 in the second.
Jacobite- and Cambridge-related material.
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 69
Title | Poetry miscellany |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | University of Chicago Special Collections and Research Center |
John Liptrott, ca. 1786.
215 items, 151 poems, many of which are introduced with lengthy prose anecdotes or critical prefaces.
Contents include satires of social issues and political corruption, historical anecdotes supporting Church of England, nature poetry, recollections of favourite dogs.
Beinecke Osborn c139–142
Title | I, II: "A Collection of Poems. Thomas Binns [...] |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Thomas Binns, 1789–1799.
"Collection of Poems" numbered Vols. II and III, and "Miscellaneous Manuscripts" numbered Vols. 3 and 4.
117 + 74 + 112 + 116 = 419 items, numerous very long poems.
Quaker writings; political themes (anti-war, anti-slavery, pro-revolutionary); sentimental poetry and poetry about nature.
Beinecke Osborn c157
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 , 1761-1790 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous; perhaps Thomas Siw---, ca. 1750–1781.
Two sections: a poetry compilation and a commonplace miscellany (ca. 1813–1835)—this entry pertains only to the first section.
96 items.
Interest in women’s self-assertion, poems by Cambridge men, and Latin and Greek. Sources often identified as manuscripts or magazines.
Beinecke Osborn c186
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1760.
103 items.
Broad range of subjects organized thematically (e.g. divine poems, hymns, drinking themes, court characters, etc.)
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 17
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Unknown author, ca. 1750.
9 poems.
A stitched booklet, largely about the travels of a group of young friends and their local community of Blandford. Phonetic spelling and unpolished verse suggest a relatively uneducated compiler.
Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 40
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1731-1760 , 1761-1790 |
Archive | Bodleian Library |
Gabriel Lepipre, ca. 1750.
246 poems.
Good example of miscellany as autobiography; also includes lots of epitaphs.
Clark MS 1948.003
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | Clark Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1709–1712.
57 items.
Very author oriented, with source attributions.
Folger MS M.a.103
Title | Poems on Various Subjects, FROM Various Authors |
Period | 1731-1760 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
William Mitchell Sale, ca. 1756.
106 poems.
Early eighteenth-century satire, later comic poetry, love poetry, several lengthy Pope poems.
Folger MS M.a.186
Title | A Collection of Poems |
Period | 1761-1790 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Mr. Stocker of Portsmouth, ca. 1753–1780.
Lots of orginial material.
260 poems.
Much local content; clearly a supporter of the Opposition in the 1730s and 40s.
Folger MS M.a.53–58
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Verses collected by John Dixon ca. 1780–1817, then copied posthumously by his daughter, Judith Dixon Beecroft.
Six volumes.
Popular eighteenth-century poetry.
Folger MS M.b.13
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1761-1790 , 1791-1820 |
Archive | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Anonymous, ca. 1773-1806.
Crowded, no margins, looks more like a commonplace book than a usual poetry miscellany.
361 poems.
Enormous amount of material compiled over many years roughly chronologically.
UChicago Library Codex Ms. 553
Title | Untitled |
Period | 1701-1730 |
Archive | University of Chicago Special Collections and Research Center |
Anonymous, 1715–1717.
318 poems.
Diverse collection of poems, with a significant number of poems satirising women and marriage; also interested in the classics, public affairs, literature, Oxford, theatre, and religious satire.